Information for Parents
What qualification will my young person achieve?
The Foundation apprenticeship comprises of two qualifications. Students will work towards industry recognised qualifications including Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs), National Certificates (NC) and National Progression Awards (NPAs).
Will taking students away from school not hinder their core study topics like Maths and English?
No. All student timetables include a vocational option in S5/S6. These vocational slots are designed to avoid conflict with core topics. To be eligible, students must be studying towards National 5 and Higher over S5 and S6.
How will my young person benefit from a Foundation Apprenticeship?
Unemployment rates in Scotland are significantly higher for young people compared with adults. FAs support pupils to build the skills they will need to be successful when they leave school. For young people it is the chance to get a head start on their careers by gaining an industry recognised qualification, work on real projects and broaden their career options when they leave school.
My young person wants to go to University when they finish school. Should they work towards a Foundation Apprenticeship?
All Scottish Universities now recognise Foundation Apprenticeships. More information on how each University considers them can be found at
How can my young person progress after a Foundation Apprenticeship?
There are a variety of Progression opportunities for your young person after they complete a FA. Each provides the core elements of a Modern Apprenticeship. Young people will therefore fast-track through a Modern Apprenticeship as they won’t have to repeat the parts they completed at school. Higher Education progression is enhanced as students can apply from school directly onto College’s HNC/HND programmes or make an application for University. Employment prospects are also enhanced as participants will have gained extensive employer engagement and can therefore demonstrate greater experience in CV’s and applications for employment.
How will my young person travel to college?
Travel will be arranged by the Local Authority. In some cases, your young person will travel independently to college, and in other cases transport will be provided.
How can I find out more?
For more information please consult this guide for parents.